Friday, July 31, 2009
I feel like I didn't get much accomplished this week work out wise. But in review, I did ok. This week was about getting in the basics. Nothing long, nothing fancy, just doing it.
The big learning this week is that I need to stick with Yoga. At the beginning of each session, you need to pay a lump sum ex. $126 for 8 weeks. I always wifflewaffle at the beginning of each session wondering if the money is best spent this way. Ya know, I could be saving for exciting things like a bathroom reno, or kitchen upgrade. However, with the triathlon learning sessions and open water swims landing on Tuesday's....I haven't been a regular attendee AND I can feel it. My upper back is extremely tight with the shoulders starting to move closer to my ears again. Other than open water swims, I plan on being a regular attendee. I guess I needed to have the break to see the value and benefit!
I have alluded to some people at work that an Ironman is on my bucket list BUT I have finally told two friends what I am up to. Told them I'm registered, the date and that I'll be there OR have a really, really decent reason of why I'm not there.....not sure how I feel about the word being out there.
Off to start the work day and create a 'relaxing' to do list for the long weekend.......
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Not much going on: Saturday was a 6k run, Sunday stacked the rest of the wook (5 cords?), Monday was a quick swim and this morning was a quick ride with Yoga tonight.....
Regular posting to resume.
Friday, July 24, 2009
339 or 337 (promise, i'll make a decision soon)
Been a rainy week around here......
- Wednesday was 10km run in 57 minutes and a 7km bike ride in 20'ish minutes.
- Thursday was pouring down rain and the tri group training was iffy. So instead of facing the possibility of a zero work out day. I went to the pool at lunch and gave myself one definite goal and one 'reach for it' goal. The fist was to compelete a half mile under 20 minutes and the other was to swim a mile with no time limit. I'm pleased to say that I managed both goals.
Today I have an interval run planned on the treddie. Tonight we have dinner plans and I'm hoping it is not a late night. I'm hoping to spring out of bed tomorrow and get a long bike ride in......
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I was a stacking machine last night! Managed to make a dent in the 12 cords of wood that is currently sprawled over the driveway.
Planning a ride tonight. A destination ride if you will. The agreement is no alcohol for the remainder of the week UNLESS we bike for it. With flank steak on the menu tonight, a nice red would be lovely!
Yesterday's activities:
Squash, wood stacking and early to bed.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Not a fantastic weekend work out wise but ok. Love the new bike. Amazing coasting abilities!
7 km bike ride and then a 2km jog with Oban. Stacked wood, walks puppies and did laundry.
Mardi's first ride. Up the Hills of Hell to a bike sale in Ancaster. Then off to get purrrty with highlights and a cut. Dinner plans were cancelled, so ribs and chicken wings were inserted with a movie for dessert. Mmmm,mmmm,mmmm
Day of Rest and alcohol comsumption. Lovely!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Yesterday was supposed to be a nice relaxing evening. Nothing other that catching up on the newspapers and taking the dogs for a walk was on the agenda. I scheduled my workout (5k run) over the lunch hour in order to accomodate......
Y'ah. So totally didn't happen. Stopped in at the bike shop on the way home to compare the Roubaix and the Ruby elite against the Trek Madone 4.5 that I tried out on Tuesday. Just going to be 15 minutes for a quick spin on the two bikes. 1.5 hours later.........

Meet 'Mardi'.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Success! I swam almost 1km in open water last night. My stroke wasn't pretty and I was tuckered at the end BUT I DID IT!
I think my phobia is the inability to see what is going on in the water. Gulliver's Lake is fairly shallow and clear. With my goggles on, I could see the fish. I could see the 'seaweed'. I could see the smiling alligator head someone placed on the bottom. And shockingly, none of this bothered me. What did freak me out was arriving at the middle of the lake where visibility was greatly reduced. I couldn't see the bottom or through the water. This experience has definitely given me some food for thought......
My next 'baby step', is to 'attempt' Gulliver's sans wetsuit. The wetsuit is actually my biggest complaint right now. I was aware that it would be hard to get on and off (and it was) but I also found it was uncomfortable at the joints (bunching), extremely warm and very short through the torso/shoulders. I will need to do some more research on styles, sizes and such before I jump in and make a purchase.
Yesterday's Activities: 3.5 km run (7 min hills, 21 min fast flat) and 950m swim
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Well, I did it. Made it in the water. Swam a few strokes. Pretty much hated every minute of it. We'll leave it at that for now.....
Found the wet suit mighty uncomfortable. Unsure if I did not put it on properly or if it is an ill fitting suit. It was bunching at my knees and elbows but that was soon corrected by a seasoned wet suit wearer. However, I still found it very tight across the shoulders.....wondering if a man's suit would accomodate my svelte figure?
Yesterday's Activities: 29 minute run (5k), 45 minutes of squash and then 1 hr of open water instructions.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Although neither of my weekend runs happend.....I feel ok about it. My legs are sore, the garden looks great and I have a better idea of what kind of ride I'm looking for!
Today I have a squash date at 11am. I'm hoping to squish a quick 25 minute treadmill run pre-game.....see how the legs are feeling and a warm up.
Tonight is my first attempt at getting the wet suit on and going in the water…G’AACK!
As promised: Friday's ride home was uneventful....a nice steady incline vs hilly hills. 1hr 10 minutes was the total time. Again, a few wrong turns and much discussion about the best route. I think once we get the routes down pat, it will be 45 minutes to work and an hour home. Planning on trying again on Wednesday.
Weekend Recap
10km long and steady run scheduled for my marathon training was on tap. Never happened! Two days in a row, d'oh! :00 Ended up being super busy around the house as we were having my friend (& her family) from University over for dinner. Laundry, whipper snipping, weeding, pruning, hanging laundry. I was on the go from 9am until 9.30pm. We sat down for lunch and dinner and that was it! There was at least 7 km's of dog walking in there.....
Saturday turned out to be errand day along with test driving some bikes. Was supposed to be a steady 6km run but that never came to fruition.....but at least my legs moving with the bike testing. Had ~ 5 bikes out during an hour.....wonder how far my total milage was?
353 cont'd....
The ride to and from work turns out to be a 30 km bike ride....not bad. Puts milage in the biking bank!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Ok. Last night and this morning is a little more like it......
- picked up wet suit rental that I have until next Wednesday.
- participated in group ride and group intervals (16k)
- biked to work this morning (15.71km) and planning on riding home. It is a steady incline home, so we shall see what the legs are telling me at 3.30!
Last night's ride was hill repeats! A fairly hilly 4k warm up with 1km hill from hell that was completed 4x's and then a 4k hilly cool down. We ran group intervals which I dreaded at the beginning but then a group relay was organzied with 3 teams and as much as I rolled my eyes as she was organzing turned out to be a great way to meet people, finally learn their names and cheer crazily.
I have scheduled attempts at getting in the water on Monday and Tuesday. Monday with someone from work and Tuesday with the group. I don't really want to panic in front of either of these options BUT if it's going to happen, I would rather get it out of the way on Monday.
The bike to work took a while but it was our first attempt, with a couple of wrong turns and a lot of stopping to discuss the best and quietest route.......1hr for 15kms. The plan is to do this once a week.......pick a day, bring as much of the items we need for work the day before (outfits, shoes, paperwork). As I mentioned before, we shall see how the legs feel and how the return trip goes. Monday's post will tell all.........
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Need to start searching for someone who can help me out with my training plan. I would love to meet and discuss my plan for the next 3 to 4 months and then sign up for a monthly plan during the full out 6 month training term......
I need to be brave and step up the plate and announce that I signed up for an Ironman and I plan on being there and let's get this ball rolling
1 hr Yoga session
Wetsuit seminar and FINALLY arranged for a wet suit rental. Picking the suit up Friday the 10th and returning the morning of Wednesday the 15th
Woke up and went for 10km bike ride before work
Took puppy to regular vet for a follow up appointment after work
Took very sick puppy to emergency clinic
Supposed to do a 10km steady run but it turned out to be a brutal 8km run.
Woke up to a very sick puppy. Spent day cuddling and then for a quick 6km steady run
lazydazy day
5km dog walk
14km bike ride, 800 m swim
Still Sick. Must sleep