After a 4 am wake up call, arriving at the airport at 7.15am, clearing the checked bagged line, the immigration line and then finally the security line up, all while having to pee and yes I was one of the individuals who had to go through the new whole xray body scan, the flight is posted as En Retarde. Due to an equipment malfunction, the plane was grounded, due to the size of the flight and the weather the flight was re-scheduled to 3pm. 5.5 hours LATE. You kidding? I'm not going to dwell on the fact that by the time I had to be frisked because I failed the body scan that I thought I was going to pee myself. It hurt so bad. There was a lot of positives. Access to the business class lounge with free wifi, alcohol and food for a minimal fee helped ease the wait. Unfortunately, we left the lounge too early. The flight didn't end up boarding until...well you know what, I had stopped taking note by this point. We arrived in Phoenix at 9.35 pm. 15.5 hours after the morning wake up call. And all I got to show for it was a 'comp' beer on the plane...but I'm not even going to go there. We still had to find the rental, start the two hour drive to Tucson and grocery shop.
AC didn't win many points yesterday, I think the last straw was luggage showing up SOAKING! I'm pretty sure they left the cases on the tarmac during the first snowstorm of the year. And yes, my case was one of the wet ones. Fortunately, the liner did not let too much wet through but the case weighed about 20lbs more than when I left.
I'm here. Safe. Sound. And with a fridge full of hodge podge groceries.
I have so much more to say about the personalities of yesterday, the disappointment of driving to Tucson in the dark but I hear my room mate is up and I need to get ready for today's first session. A 3 hour bike session, lite ride with technical skills thrown in.
I'll try to post later and try to get photos....