Sunday, February 28, 2010

I had typed up a post of my first full day in Arizona but screw's my update:



The absolute icing on this experience so far was that it fucking snowed on our bike ride this morning. I just can't find a silver lining in that experience. Nothing.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

After a 4 am wake up call, arriving at the airport at 7.15am, clearing the checked bagged line, the immigration line and then finally the security line up, all while having to pee and yes I was one of the individuals who had to go through the new whole xray body scan, the flight is posted as En Retarde. Due to an equipment malfunction, the plane was grounded, due to the size of the flight and the weather the flight was re-scheduled to 3pm. 5.5 hours LATE. You kidding? I'm not going to dwell on the fact that by the time I had to be frisked because I failed the body scan that I thought I was going to pee myself. It hurt so bad. There was a lot of positives. Access to the business class lounge with free wifi, alcohol and food for a minimal fee helped ease the wait. Unfortunately, we left the lounge too early. The flight didn't end up boarding until...well you know what, I had stopped taking note by this point. We arrived in Phoenix at 9.35 pm. 15.5 hours after the morning wake up call. And all I got to show for it was a 'comp' beer on the plane...but I'm not even going to go there. We still had to find the rental, start the two hour drive to Tucson and grocery shop.
AC didn't win many points yesterday, I think the last straw was luggage showing up SOAKING! I'm pretty sure they left the cases on the tarmac during the first snowstorm of the year. And yes, my case was one of the wet ones. Fortunately, the liner did not let too much wet through but the case weighed about 20lbs more than when I left.
I'm here. Safe. Sound. And with a fridge full of hodge podge groceries.

I have so much more to say about the personalities of yesterday, the disappointment of driving to Tucson in the dark but I hear my room mate is up and I need to get ready for today's first session. A 3 hour bike session, lite ride with technical skills thrown in.

I'll try to post later and try to get photos....

Friday, February 26, 2010

So. Day 1. A snowstorm. A late plane. An unexpected entry into the Maple Leaf Lounge (FREE BEER).

We are off to a good start.....

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Here it is. Sunday evening. I survived yet another training weekend.

I am content.

It is 6.15 pm as I type this post. On the deck with the creek gurgling below. There is still light in the sky & the moon is out above.
Today felt so much like spring and was the kind of day that makes you appreciate what you have.

I have come far in this journey. I know there is still miles to go but when you stop and take stock, I'm heading in the right direction.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Okay. Today is just getting crazy:
  • My cell phone can send it's photos to my laptop.
  • Then my laptop software uploads to facebook directly in a matter of seconds.
  • My Garmin uploads directly to blogger
  • Photo Booth takes videos which also exports & then uploads to blogger

Garmin Connect - Activity Details for run from hell with hills from hell in it...


Lazy Dazy Day on tap...

Books, fire and wine.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

What I learned on today's run:
  • Hills suck
  • Head wind sucks
  • Running on snow covered roads suck
  • Being hungry while running sucks
  • Running on tired legs suck
  • Caca is actually spelled Kaka...
  • Finishing 15k while encountering all of the above ~ Rocks!
Knowing that a yummy breakfast and coffee supreme was waiting helped get through the last 4k!

Thanks Melissa! And Kate, I hope you are feeling better?!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The 3 hours of 'hell on wheels' (aka Megaday) is OVER! Tomorrow is a 17k run (on tired legs) and then a nice easy 30 minute recovery ride on Monday!
Today was my second time bringing Marty and the trainer...adds some time to getting ready but what a difference. My butt & hip flexors are sore....obviously need to condition my body to the bike position again.
That's all I got for today.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

It's Thursday and the 3000 yard swim still hasn't happened. Since obviously today is my day is to the pool (probably only a 40 min swim) tomorrow morning and I'll need to make
one of the pool days next week, 'the day'.
Not feeling quite a hundred percent. Struggling with my nutrition, sleep and keeping things balanced...weird.
Busy weekend planned with workouts that aren't 'back-out-able'...which is a good thing 'cause really all I want to do is this...

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

I'm here to report, 1 successful workout since my run on Sunday. Woke up with a gimpy knee Monday AM. I knew that it was tender when I rolled over during my sleep and could feel 'a pull' up and across the inside of my knee...I didn't realize how tender it was until I was outside and tried to speed my warm up to a jog. OUCH!
I ended up coming back to the house and taking the puppies for an early morning stroll. They enjoyed it and truth be was a lot 'funner' walking 3k with company than the jogging the planned 5 k solo.
This morning should have seen me in the pool cranking out 3000 yards. But nope...slept in and took the pups out for another morning perambulation. Again, 'funner' with company but no where near my forecasted workout!
Good thing Yoga was a success tonight. I left work later than anticipated and it was a rush against time to get there. Combining that with my terrible sleep last night (hence the laying in this AM), it could have been easy to skip the class but I got it done and much happier for it!
Depending on the weather tomorrow, 'cause it's snowing right now and that tends to make traffic slow to a snails pace, I'll either get in 45 minutes on the trainer at home (preferable) OR head to the Y for whatever amount of time I have left after commuting in order to make my 9am meeting.
3000 yard swim is on for Thursday and a make up run (depending on knee status) on my scheduled day off! Which I guess isn't so bad since I'm hoping to 'flex' out of work a couple of hours early to lead into a 3 day weekend....


Sunday, February 07, 2010

Not to point any fingers but this post has to 'be quick' because someone is using the new 'plastic' laptop....not super happy about this.

I had a lot to chat about regarding today's run BUT seem to have to 'give up' my laptop for school work?!

I did realize one thing as I was driving home...I was giving Melissa such a hard time about being a no show for today's run ~ that I neglected to say thank you for the coffee's she eventually showed up with.

So, I'll leave this post with these points: 25 k run is done, Stj likes my laptop and a thank you to Melissa for a cup Hamilton's finest coffee....any one note that the culprit who has stolen my laptop ALSO has a cup of coffee in his hand? That is caca in my opinion!

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Multiple choice:

What is Lesley the most excited about?a) Her 90 minute indoor trainer workout is complete?
b) She typing this post with her new laptop, connected to the internet with just the little red rocket stick?
c) Sitting outside, in a sunbeam wrapped up in blankets....with a beer? **see proof below
d) all of the above.

Yep. You're right D! Life is damn fine right now....

....can you remind me of that tomorrow while I'm suffering thro
ugh a 25k run?! Thx.


Friday, February 05, 2010

Plus i lurve my new photo booth feature....which makes my plastic laptop (AHEM ~ Stj!) that takes this such cool things like this!

Garmin Connect - Activity Details for fastest 1/2 marathon yet!

Garmin Connect -
Activity Details for fastest 1/2 marathon yet!

what does this look like?
Eeeep. Wanted to blog this morning but as time!

Have a 25 k run for this weekend and in a kunundrum** on when to get it done. Have 2 running partners lined up for Sunday BUT am getting together with friends on Saturday evening which usually leads to a very slow moving Sunday....but 25 by myself tomorrow?

Gotta beckons.


** I know this word should start with a 'Co' but I believe it looks better with a 'Ku'

Monday, February 01, 2010

Honest to goodness. I am hooked up 'wirelessly' and I'm still quicker than the archaic laptop that is hooked up directly to the here I am with a cute white laptop on my lap that is just pumping through the web pages I requesting.

Since being so spoiled yesterday with a new work out clothes and a Ipod Nano, I should be having buyers remorse by now but nope....I'm in LOVE.

Stj? What kind of Apple are you saving up for?