So. I sold Oliver.
And I feel terrible.
I think I made a big mistake.
I know that I stated for the past 6 months that we should sell him. That it was silly to have 3 bikes. 3 bikes that weren't equal. Someone was always being left behind. Neither of us will ever become mountain bikers that would use Oliver the way he was intended or push him to his full capabilities.
He was a misguided purchase from the get go.
However. Having said all of that. I feel like I let a friend down. Oliver was there for me over the past 3 years. He started with me on my road to Ironman. I took him to the first month of triathlon training sessions. He saved my sanity on multiple occasions last summer, when the last thing I wanted to do was hop on that f@cking road bike one more time. He was busted out and gave me a totally different experience while still letting me get in my saddle time. I loved his shock system. How cushy the ride was. The width of his handlebars. The addition of the L grips. He was a sweet
slow ride...
I shouldn't have taken him out, hours before he was sold. It was a good last ride. A ride that has filled me with doubts that I did the right thing. So what if he was only used 5 or 6 times a year? I know I don't want to ride a road bike for all my rides. It's not like we didn't have the space to store him...
I know it's ridiculous. I did extremely well on the sale, recouping almost 75% of his original cost. But it's like the 'Ikea Lamp Commercial'...
He's gone to a 13 year old boy. I worry that he won't be cared for the way we would have... and yet I hope he gets used frequently and the way he was truly intended. Where 'off roading' means much more than a ride on the Rail Trail.
So in the end...

and a few tears.
And yes. I do realize that this is a bike I'm talking about. I am trying to put some perspective around may just take me a few days.