Tuesday, May 31, 2011

June 1st is right around the corner - fresh month, fresh start.

Today is hot as hot can be out there and I'm sick as a dog.  Let's hope this is not indicative of the month to come.
rough calorie count for the day:
brekkie 360 (2 cups cereal), 110 (1 cup milk), fruit @ work 100 ='s 570
lunch 800 (gyro based on pita pit)
h20, h20 and more water = 0
left over for dinner ='s approximately 630

Edit:  Hang on!  I have 630 if I want to maintain...I need to reduce my calories to lose weight.  1 lb is 3500 calories.  Which means 500 calories less (OR burn) per day to lose weight.

So in reality, I only have 1500 calories to play with / day AND only 230 for tonights dinner.

Bummer dude.

Monday, May 30, 2011

I can cook!  And it was delicious.  
quickly became...

This takes a lot of guts...  

The pictures are horrid.  HORRID.

But that is ok.  Every journey needs to start some where.  

I just happen to be starting out in HORRIDVILLE.

I do have measurements.  But they are buried for now.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Back to accountability. 
M - nuttin
T - 1/2 hr bike ride flat with hills, walked the dogs
W - 24 min bike ride very hilly, walked the dogs, gardened
Th - walked the dogs, 20 min walk at work
Food has been terrible.  So has beverage consumption.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Almost like I'm training for Ironman.  Not one thing active this long weekend.  Very similar to last year around this time...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Wow.  I slept for 15 hours.  Plus an hour nap during the day.  Who am I????

Monday, May 16, 2011

Lines of Happiness:

·         Pleased as punch with the ‘Store Opening’ gift that we bought
·         Nothing finer than a chai tea and chocolate on a rainy cold afternoon

·         The Hill of Trillums this morning brightened my day.  Actually made me smile
·         The pigeons on the bridge ledge were a fine sight on an otherwise stark highway

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Been a machine lately.  Chores around the house, gardening, tackling DIY frugal projects.

No running lately, but have been active in other ways.  I figure I have until July to continue my running break IF I continue with the weights, biking and healthy living.

I had beer last night and it has carried over to this morning.  Feeling a bit sluggish.  I am happy to be paying attention to my habits.  Is it routine or is it what I want...totally makes a difference.

Off to scope the 'front entrance' project.  Project Curb Appeal is on!

Monday, May 09, 2011

Not gonna lie.  I could have kept sleeping this morning.  I am exhausted after this weekend.  It was a combination of work, play, errands and gardening.  I am now ‘officially’ tuckered.  The last thing I wanted to do was get up and go biking this morning.

But we did. 

Only about 13 k but it was a nice way to start the week while incorporating one hill climb.

Happy with the healthy eating stint.  Well ok, eating the chocolate bar wasn’t the best choice but it sure was enjoyable.  So the official count is 2 Steelers, a 4oz serving of wine & a chocolate bar.  Considering the amount of movement that happened this weekend…that is more than acceptable J

PS  Giant Roam XR-2.  That is what I am saving my pennies for….

Sunday, May 08, 2011

So.  No champers Friday.  Had a nice evening out for wings and orange blossom tea.

Saturday was the busiest day I can remember in recent history BUT I enjoyed every single minute of it.  Got so much accomplished AND it finished with 2 pints on the deck.  I enjoyed every.  single.  sip.


Friday, May 06, 2011

So.  Day 11 of being healthy.  Better eating and no drinking.  No drinking ONLY because I haven't felt like one.  Have totally been in situations where the norm or the routine was to have one...but when I stopped to really think about it.  I didn't want one. Brilliant, huh?!

However, tonight is a different story.  After many, many, many years, Stj is done his schooling.  Received his final mark and he now has his degree in B. Comm. and CGA designation.  That is champers worthy...
Wonder if I'll hit Day 12?!

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Bullet point update:
(oooops! This was typed up on Tuesday but not posted!)
  • Weights yesterday after a 4 week hiatus ~ sore today!
  • Planned on going to a spin class this morning with Stj
    • Buried my head under a pillow when the alarm went off at 5am
  • Ended up going (at Stj’s urging) for a 10k bike ride this morning in the rain & cold ~ LOVED IT

  •  Guess husbands sometimes do know best
  • Love how I feel the most frumpy & lumpy in years and yet the scale is at its lowest in months
  • Starting to get over the Oliver Tragedy
    •  Not that I don’t miss him & worry about him…but coming to terms that is was the right thing to do          
  • Reading The Happiness Project
                                                                                                                            Day 8

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Fell off the workout wagon during the month of April.  I didn't become a total slug...but I wasn't very committed either.

So in preparation for a new month; ended up with a nice 10k under my belt on Saturday and a quick yoga session today...
day 6