Wednesday, July 06, 2011

It is now official!  I love Prince William.

Last night I hit an all time low with the burning sensation on my chin, nose and now all of the eye lids.  I was surfing the net for soothing remedies while I wait patiently for my July 15th dermatologist appointment when I stumbled upon the following article, .  

Of course the internet allows you to self diagnosis (since so far my family doctor has only made it worse).  I'm 98% sure this is what I have and whipped out to Fortino's to buy the over counter lotion remedy recommended on numerous sites.  I was in so much discomfort...price did not even enter the equation.  I even bought the recommended cleanser.  

One application and already noticeable results.  Burning sensation, greatly reduced, almost nil.  Red, raw, inflamed far...still red, raw and inflamed to a stranger BUT I notice a difference.  

So far, worth every penny spent.  

I now love the fanatical media coverage/hype of the Royal Visit, Prince William & the Internet.  

Monday, July 04, 2011

I'll take today as a success.  First Monday back to work after a vacation.  No tears.  Up and a'ttem early, coffee on the deck, quick stroll with the dogs, at my desk before 8am, did not succumb to a lunch invite (certainly would have had fish & chips washed down with a beer), rather a yumcilicous greek wrap was consumed, a successful strength training session, healthy yummy dinner, completed odds and sods around the house (tasks that have been on the to do list FOR ever) and then puppy boot camp.  ALL while thinking, 'I was meant to be a Princess'...

July training plan: on track day 4 days in a row...

...and that my friends, that is a record around here