Helllllo? Mojo?
Mojo? Where are you?
That is what I thought. GONE!
Good thing vacations are over with for the year...tough to get back into the swing of things when I return. Both times (Sept & Oct vacations) I have questioned my decision/desire/capability of achieving this crazy goal of mine...it would be soooo much easier to hibernate over the winter, appearing only when I WANT to workout vs. having to workout. BUT I'm assuming that is what makes an Ironman vs and Ironcouchpotato, huh?
Operation Detox has begun. I decided if I'm asking my body to carry me 140.6 miles, the least I could do is try and take care of it! Alcohol consumption severely curbed until the festive holidays. Funny how the first week you actually feel worse in the morning than if you drank a ton the night before...body is a weird and wonderful thing.
Most days I would rather be sitting here than working out... 

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