Saturday, February 19, 2011

The week started out with a bang and ended with a fizzle. I'm solo this weekend (running buddy away) and I have a 10km run scheduled this weekend that MUST get done but I'm also hankering for a short outdoor ride. Since it's a long week, maybe the ride can happen tomorrow or Monday?

Week in Review:
Monday - 1/2 hour ride on trainer AM & 1.15 hours of strength in PM
Tuesday - 5 k speed work on the dreadmill
Wednesday - 1/2 hour ride on trainer
Thursday - off
Friday - bowling
Saturday - N/A @ time of printing

What? Bowling doesn't count?


update: Saturday - 10k run in 1hr 1min

A huge success considering the amount of wind. I'm starting to take offence that somebody, somewhere, whoever it is, thinks my character needs building that much.

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