Tuesday, December 29, 2009
The past 4 weeks have gone to hell in a handbasket BUT workouts were still happening....occasionaly.
Infrequently. Yes. But happening.
The past weekend involved a 10 mile run and then a mega day the day after...can you say owwww?!
I'm hoping to try a hot yoga or two over the next day or two....
I love Santa. I especially love a Santa who is good to me. I love family. I love friends.....AND I love time to myself.
2010. Here I come! I'm (almost) ready to take you on!
Monday, December 07, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
57% completion rate
So. Not great. Not at all. Unfortunately, due to my training schedule, this month is not shaping up to be stellar. The sad thing is...I knew the # would not be that great and yet I still took today off ('cause my coach scheduled it). I need to find a balance of getting things done BUT not at the expense of my sanity. I'm going to focus on the positives of the week. Like getting 2 hours on the bike trainer done! Like really enjoying a night out with friends. A very late night I might add. Like surving my first week at a new job. These are the things to be proud of. Not the fact that I missed my scheduled 17k run on Saturday. Or the fact I took Friday off....I'm gunning for at least a 70% completion rate each week until the new year...
My upcoming week looks like a 7.15am swim and evening yoga Tuesday, 6am spin class on Wednesday, lunch hour run and evening yoga on Thursday. I commit to these. Friday is an 18km run. I'm really not sure how to make that happen; maybe 9k in the AM and 9k in the pm? Saturday is an all day stroke correction clinic with a 2.20 trainer ride on Sunday. I may need help completing Friday and Sunday's workout...if anyone (Kate?) is out there that can help make either of these happen...lemme know!
Again, a random photo to break things up: Or not. It crashed....
Saturday, November 28, 2009
A quick snapshot (in point form) to remind myself that I'm alive and surviving:
supervisor is nice and has a sense of humour BUT I would not want to get on the wrong side of her
trainer is nice. not sure that it is necessarily the technical skills the employer will miss BUT it is her knowledge of who does what and why and all the history...g'eesh...that kinda sounds familiar, no?
driving to and around Burlington sucks
trying to be alert and taking in info for 8-10 hours a day is tiring
trying to remember peoples names, positions and if they even work for the city is tiring
trying to fit in ironman training around such days is tiring
trying to not pooch former employee while I'm trying to figure out new role is tiring
trying to be a nice person at home while trying to maintain the above is just NOT HAPPENING!
I need new clothes. The new employers idea of business casual is VERY different than the old and while it is great that I have shape shifted over the past year...not so great when I go to pull out the dressier clothes from the back of the closet. I look like a sack of potatoes and that just won't gel with the fashion plates I now work with. Seriously, I think they have a pair of shoes for everyday of the week! I am sooo jealous of their pulled together look. The only thing pulled together about me is my pony tail after I quickly get ready after a work out.
Other than that. Things are going great. Just great! I'm just tired.
I have to run (or maybe I should type, I am supposed to run) 17 km today and that just feels overwhelming right now. I am not sure where I'm going to get the energy or inspiration from...
I think I'll start with the mountain of laundry that is waiting for me.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
So. Last week was another 90% completion rate. Missed a 5 k base run but the big news is that I survived MEGADAY! Not only did I survive MEGADAY, I survived the fast paced 55 minute run with the energizer bunny afterwards. Man that girl can run. She kept claiming I was setting the pace...hahaha! Legs were like lead after a 2.5 hour spin class and I failed the talk test miserably.
The 8 k run on Sunday was not as bad as I feared. I spent 4 hours avoiding it and when I finally couldn't avoid it any longer...the legs felt quite fresh. I'm not convinced on my new runners. My ankles and knees have been sore and tender since I made the switch. I wonder how deep the old stand bys are buried? Oh how I miss thee...
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009
15 k done
best coffee ever consumed (even came clean about drinking the second one destined for home)
eyelashes tinted
65th party set up & support
dinner party
I was exhausted by the time we arrived home. Straight to bed and asleep within seconds!
Have a wee bit of a niggle in my left ankle this morning but other than that...new shoes seem to be ok.
1 hour of trainer is on schedule. The plan is to hop on the mountain bike and go for a 'leisurely' ride on the trail.
The rest of the day is catching up on newspapers and laundry. Bliss!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
An excerpt from my email:
"I totally realize that excuses won’t get me to the finish line BUT I’m still going to tell you that last week was ‘off the wall’ for me with the offer of a new job, negotiations and finally accepting the new role…however, please note that I am not happy with this number and don’t plan on seeing a number like that again."
So far, this week has been bang on with a spin class thrown in there at 6am as penance for missing my Sunday ride...who knew that such an innocent stat could have such an influence over me?
Sunday, November 08, 2009
- 13 km run and a 1km walk/coffee break
- Consumption of the best coffee ever ~ 2 days in a row
- Mardi who is a carbon fibre bike is now creakless
- Carbon Fibre bikes should not be used in trainers
- Found another bike to use for trainer and modified to fit
- Investigated and purchased new running shoes
- My old stand by running shoes with a kazillion miles on them are currently in the garbage*
- Final mow of the season has been completed
- Donated plants have been planted
- Plus a whole slew of 'work' related issues that will be turning my life upside down over the next month...
Monday is going to be a long day! Run, tendering my 'official' resignation, vet (cat's insulin has been recalled & she needs transitioned to a new type) ride on trainer
*It is everything in my power to not go rescue them. What if they are cold and scared. And what if the new pair aren't what they are cracked up to be...
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
- arrange tune up for Mardi to address her creaky crank
- investigate a 'rim' for the indoor trainer I have been loaned
- investigate, purchase & install aerobars
I am open to any input or suggestions anyone may have on the rim and aerobars. What to look for, avoid and such.
Today is a 8k run with 4 reps.
1 rep = 3 mins at threshold followed by 2 mins of recovery
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
In an effort to make a 6am cyclefit class. My clothes (work out and work) were laid out for me the night before...
I didn't make it. Woke up at 12.38am and did not get another wink of sleep. I was stewing about work and my lack of sleep. In hindsight, I should have dragged myself to class. Would've been a much happier camper I'm sure.
Off to get a swim in before 9am. My office mates will appreciate the effort!
PS notice how artfully the clothing is arranged?
EDIT: good thing I didn't make the supreme effor this morning...turns out the instructor called in sick!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
First off: I'm sitting in a comfy chair in front of the fire with NO telephone wire connected to the laptop. I just have this cute red rocket stick connected and voila! internet. I LOVE TECHNOLOGY! Finally, something faster than dial up in our neighbourhood...only took 10 years!
Next, a rocking good run with a fun bunch of girls! We rocked the windy course. My chip time came was 56.29. Woot, woot! It was a cold, windy day and was relieved to finally hop into a warm shower to wash the chills away.
Awesome run, awesome chatter, awesome coffee and lotsa laughter. Thanks Kate for talking me into this, it was just what i needed!
PS I just paid my bills online and it was lickety split. WOW...who knows maybe cable is next?
Thursday, October 29, 2009
My running has been a complete flop since arriving home. Physical or Mental Block? I'm not sure but it certainly sucks rocks!
Signing up for a 10k run this Saturday to replace the scheduled 12k run on my training plan. Looking for friendly faces, new route and $45 entry fee to put the 'oomph' back into my run. I'm even upping the ante and looking for a PR. Gunning for 55-59 minute finish. Notice I never put any pressure on myself...?
I leave you with a visual of the last time I had a good run....maybe I need to move to Halifax?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Good thing vacations are over with for the year...tough to get back into the swing of things when I return. Both times (Sept & Oct vacations) I have questioned my decision/desire/capability of achieving this crazy goal of mine...it would be soooo much easier to hibernate over the winter, appearing only when I WANT to workout vs. having to workout. BUT I'm assuming that is what makes an Ironman vs and Ironcouchpotato, huh?

Friday, October 09, 2009
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
It is another week of trying to maneuver workouts to fit a busy travel schedule. I think I have it worked out so that I only miss 2 low priority workouts AND still have time to actually enjoy my vacation. We shall see; planning is a completely different story that actually doing.
I have to admit the hardest part to date is trying to enjoy day to day life (read: not be a complete and utter bitch at home and at work) instead of always worrying about accomplishing the next workout. Maybe I'm going too hard, too fast? I'm having trouble sleeping...I'm usually a 8-9 hour a night girl but right now I'm lucky if I'm getting 5...making for long cranky days.
Friday, October 02, 2009
It is all done now. A 65km bike ride yesterday and a 13km treadmill run today. The high priority long workouts got done and the lower priority workouts got scrapped. Hopefully this won't bite me in the ass 9 months from now.
side note: 13 km run in 1 hr 14 mins & bike ride....gosh only knows. Mr. Garmin died from lack of battery power. All I can tell you was that is was a long, unmotivated, cold, shtty ride!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Where does the time go? The first month of ‘official’ training is complete and I survived. I am so happy that the ‘open water swims’ have been converted to pool swims. I have an amazing 3 month plan of twice a week swims to start and I have been waiting to be able to insert them into my training plan.
But of course nothing goes as planned. On the drive down to work I stated that I am really looking forward to getting into the pool today. While chatting with the lifeguard on deck, confirming the time I could slip into the water, she noticed some ‘brown spots’ on the bottom of the pool. Floaters thwarted my swim…pool is closed for some shocking!
I am trying to convince myself that I want to complete a 3 to 4 mile run…
Watch this space.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
BUT ohhhhh no. I can't relax and just get things done...I need to start wondering if Ironman Canada 2010 (Aug 29) would be a better fit?! Entry is open and available.
In CANADA - health care, bike transport
Later in the season therefore making a longer outdoor training season
A second attempt at Ironman next year 'IF' the first fails
Aware of other athletes training for this target date
Next summer will be consumed with training versus enjoying
Another $700 in entry fees
Still halfway across the country to get to...
Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Our scheduled once a week bike ride to work is scheduled for Thursday this week, based on work commitments and weather this week.
I've received my first swim work ... and the dictionary definitions of terms. Who knew that swimming is a whole other language? Then when it drops down to short form?! Should be a good time in the pool. On tap for today:
Please note the "Have fun!" waaaay down at the bottom
Workout 1:
Warm Up
200 choice easy
4 x 50yards Free @ 1:15
100 Free Kick
Main Set: Repeat this set twice for a total of 10 x 100
4 x 100 free hard @ 2:20
1 x 100 back cruise @ 2:30
Warm Down
6 x 75yards - 50 free, 25 choice @ 20 sec rest
100 choice easy
Total = 2050 yards
Have fun!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
I plan on being in the pool for 10.45 and complete 1000 yards and then pop downstairs and run 3k.
Other than a 'girl's nite' tonight to say goodbye to a friend's house (she's moving) and see a friend we haven't seen in ages...not much else is on tap for this weekend. Unless of course, I finally make a decision about Orillia's Tri on Sunday...I do hope to get some organization done around the house along with a long bike and run. Sweet!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Not much on tap training wise today. My work day will be spent shopping. I know, I know; Tough job. This is the last shopping trip that will fill a very generous donation by a Swedish furniture store. It is a lot of hauling, lifting, shipping and sweating BUT none of it is coming to my house. Pffft.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Fastest time yet; 40.44 minutes

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Still tired...
Really? I've got nothing...
Swimming yesterday; 1000 yards.
Secured an online swimming coach
Hot'n'Humid in my office - sucking the motivation outta me
I'm in a de-cluttering mood.
I'm tired.
Monday, August 17, 2009
The 30 km bike was was completed on Friday. We picked up an extra participant after a few after work brews. Amazingly the ride wasn't that wobbly! We celebrated by popping some champagne and another round (or two) of beers on the deck. Pizza was delivered and the night was complete!
Saturday morning was designated as getting work around the house accomplished. Thankfully, we popped outta bed fairly early and had the grass cut and whipper snipped before the heat really set in for the day. We were still stinky, sweating messes at the end of it all but nothing a cool shower couldn't fix. At this point, I didn't feel the need to ride my bike and become another puddle of sweat as I was visiting a friend for the afternoon...so I got a ride. I then spent the afternoon with beer, wings, a pool and good conversation. Good times indeed!
Sunday saw another fairly early start and another hot'n'humid day. Didn't beat the heat on this one but I managed to accomplish a 10km run and then a 5 km hike with my friend Pam and her pooch. Sweat was the name of the game yesterday. Cool showers weren't even cutting it. So sitting in the creek was the activity of the afternoon. Reading, drinks and puppy dog swims were the highlights.
And now it's Monday again. Can't say I'm thrilled about that especially since I've been up since 4am, unable to sleep. I think I'll hit the pool at 10.45 and see if I can 900m in. Need something to jump start my day.
Friday, August 14, 2009
A late start to the day and a bike ride down MAY have made me a little late for work today but no one seemed to notice or care. Everyone is looking out the window at the beautiful day and counting down the hours until we are released!
Last night I skipped triathlon training once again. Instead I did a 7km bike ride a 2k run around the neighbourhood. Nothing fabulous but I also wasn't feeling it. Legs were still lead like and was just happy that something was being accomplished.
Hopped on the bike this morning and have completed 15 of the scheduled 30 km's for the day. Thinking I might even pop down to the pool for a quick dip.
I'm off to completed my report back from Wednesday's meeting and to download some itunes to my ipod.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
I went down to the pool a half hour before Masters and swam 800M. During this 800M, my ear was chatted off by the resident pool 'chatter'er'. So it took much longer than necessary! Nice guy who has a lot of time on his hands....
I bailed before the Masters started BUT after showering I did go back down to the pool deck to talk to the instructor and get a feel on how the class operates. Baby steps, baby steps.
Yoga was Tuesday night. Good class.
I rode Mardi to work yesterday. I had an all day off site budget meeting that started at 9am. It was a total of 34 and a bit kms round trip. I have to admit on the way home, km 25, I broke off the route and called home to arrange a meet up spot. I was tired, hot, legs felt like lead and hopped up on chocolate. Not a great combo. I deviated from the morning route and ended up riding through a residental neighbourhood and arrived at the meet up spot a lot quicker than anticipated. A quick call home revealed that the rescue squadron (comprised of husband and puppies) had not yet left. I said that I would keep riding towards him and when our paths crossed, I would hop in the car. I guess I don't give myself credit on how fast Mardi and I move because I was getting closer and closer to home and our paths still hadn't met. By the time we finally met, I was so close to home and wanted to finish the ride. I didn't want to be 'rescued' any longer...I waved and zoomed right pass the rescue patrol. On one hand, I was proud of myself for finishing the ride that I started but on the other, I know that I won't be able to call home during Ironman. I will need to find some alternative strategies** to motivate when the going gets tough.
**Although 2 dogs with their heads hanging out the window, recognizing you and tracking you as they pass will be hard to beat!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
**I have realized that I must start bringing a camera along for my rides to break up the post**
Friday we biked to work. It was a beautiful day and lovely temperatures! It really is an easy & great way to bank some cycling miles in the week. We stopped off of the way home and picked up a bottle of champers and had a fairly relaxing night at home catching up on newspapers and loving the animals. The order from the Running Store in Milton was also delivered during the day. So there was the unpacking of the wetsuit to be done as well. Note the unpacking only? There was no fitting. Totally not in the mood to meld myself into the Neoprene Outfit From Hell!
Saturday was rife with activity. I popped out of bed at a decent time and decided to tackle the Neoprene Outfit From Hell (NOFH). I ended up going with the entry level version of the suit I had tried and liked. They were unable to find the size that I required and had suggested this suit as an alternative as it was equivalent in sizing. I now regret believing this statement of equivalency . The NOFH is quiet tight across the back and pinches at the shoulders. I foresee chaffing in my future.......
Had I not managed to slice a 1cm line in my left shoulder during the fitting session, I would be returning the suit. So as it stands now. I have a suit to carry me through my August open swims and my week at the cottage. If I still hate the NOFH, I will sell online. If I manage to recoup the cost minus the rental fees I would have incurred, then I am not out of pocket. Live and learn. Live and learn.
After my intense wiggle, shimmey and sweat session. I woke the remainder of the house up, took the puppies for a stroll and started hustling us along for a bike ride.
Destination: Cranston Farm.
The first 'Sweet Corn' of the season is ready and is harvested each morning and sold at their stand during the day. Again, another lovely day for a ride. Overcast but a nice temperature. Just under 24 kms for 4 lovely cobs of corn, couple cans of beer, fresh bread and Advil! The remainder of the day was spent tootling around the house, working at my P/T job, napping and generally taking it easy!
Sunday was a wild day weather wise. We have been hit with some intense weather systems in the past month with massive flooding happening around the city. Today was no different. A serious thunderstorm rolled through and unfortunately it did not break the humidity that had rolled in overnight. I was to get in a long run of 16km....but that didn't happen. I managed to get the lawn cut and the mower away seconds before the skies opened up. Getting wet is one thing but the lighting and thunder were overlapping each other. It was insane. But no worries, I had a dog following me around the house making sure I was safe. Of course, it had absolutely nothing to do with him being a little frightened, it was alllll for my safe keeping: ) Then it was off to spend the afternoon on an airfield tarmac in the bright sunshine and brutal humidity. Unfortunately, it was overcast and rainy when I left and did NOT think to put on sunscreen. Yowee! I have some nice red stripes going on! Thankfully, there was a breeze and I had on a skirt and sleevless top. Unlike the poor souls who were in full military uniform standing at attention for 1.5 +
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Have started telling people about my impulsive "now or never" Ironman decision.......everyone to date has been super supportive. In fact, we have a scored an old road bike for St.J to ride (thanks Tree). It is definitely in need of some adjustments but I think it will do the trick for some of the shorter weekend rides!
Yesterday's Activities:
400 yard swim and 5 km run and a lot of wine consumption.
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Need to start focusing on a healthy lifestyle. Enough of the beer/wine during the week. For some reason, my office mate is lacking motivation right now and wanting to enjoy a pint or two after work. I really MUST start saying 'no' and limiting after work drinks to once a month. I mean really? It is ridiculous to put in the effort and then basically wipe out any gains with alcohol.......
I wonder? Shall I even go as far as saying, no alcohol until 'The Cottage' in September? Pop the champers the start of vacation, September 4th ? Or should I purchase my very own Red with a twist top and bring it out (a glass) when a dinner warrants?
Tonight, I am hosting a girl's night. Appetizers and, ahem, wine. I will enjoy tonight's food, drinks and company without guilt BUT plan on sticking to a cleaner eating pattern after tonight. Can't wait for the chit chat that will happen tonight. I admit I am a little embarrased about the state of the property but I keep thinking of the saying ‘My friends are coming to visit me and not my house’. An abridged listing of my concersn:
- It is very green. Green from the weeds that are growing rampant and wild.
- Boxes of kindling (soaked and disintegrating) on the driveway.
- Broken set of stairs from the deck to the garden (cordoned off).
- A garden pathway that has a 10 inch gulley that has been washed away with all the rain.
- Grass that really, really needs to be cut.
- Did I mention the weeds? Right. The weeds.
It actually looks like a bunch of Red Necks live in the house. So I thought I would go with ‘the theme’ and bought a BOX of white wine for tonight. Nothing says Class like a BOX OF WINE!
Yesterday's Exercise:
750 yards in the pool
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
I found a wetsuit that I think I will be happy with. Especially if they are able to find it. We ended up ordering it online as the store (which was a million miles away) did not have that size I needed. The experience was quite a miserable one with the store being a kazillion degrees and the clerk not conveying the confidence I was looking for......
Exercise wise this weekend: 6k run on Saturday, 26km ride on Sunday followed by a 2k run, 26k bike on Monday and I'm off to jump in the pool now.
Good times!
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Off to Milton today to look at wetsuits. Looks like it is shaping up to be an expensive and productive day!
Friday, July 31, 2009
I feel like I didn't get much accomplished this week work out wise. But in review, I did ok. This week was about getting in the basics. Nothing long, nothing fancy, just doing it.
The big learning this week is that I need to stick with Yoga. At the beginning of each session, you need to pay a lump sum ex. $126 for 8 weeks. I always wifflewaffle at the beginning of each session wondering if the money is best spent this way. Ya know, I could be saving for exciting things like a bathroom reno, or kitchen upgrade. However, with the triathlon learning sessions and open water swims landing on Tuesday's....I haven't been a regular attendee AND I can feel it. My upper back is extremely tight with the shoulders starting to move closer to my ears again. Other than open water swims, I plan on being a regular attendee. I guess I needed to have the break to see the value and benefit!
I have alluded to some people at work that an Ironman is on my bucket list BUT I have finally told two friends what I am up to. Told them I'm registered, the date and that I'll be there OR have a really, really decent reason of why I'm not there.....not sure how I feel about the word being out there.
Off to start the work day and create a 'relaxing' to do list for the long weekend.......
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Not much going on: Saturday was a 6k run, Sunday stacked the rest of the wook (5 cords?), Monday was a quick swim and this morning was a quick ride with Yoga tonight.....
Regular posting to resume.
Friday, July 24, 2009
339 or 337 (promise, i'll make a decision soon)
Been a rainy week around here......
- Wednesday was 10km run in 57 minutes and a 7km bike ride in 20'ish minutes.
- Thursday was pouring down rain and the tri group training was iffy. So instead of facing the possibility of a zero work out day. I went to the pool at lunch and gave myself one definite goal and one 'reach for it' goal. The fist was to compelete a half mile under 20 minutes and the other was to swim a mile with no time limit. I'm pleased to say that I managed both goals.
Today I have an interval run planned on the treddie. Tonight we have dinner plans and I'm hoping it is not a late night. I'm hoping to spring out of bed tomorrow and get a long bike ride in......
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I was a stacking machine last night! Managed to make a dent in the 12 cords of wood that is currently sprawled over the driveway.
Planning a ride tonight. A destination ride if you will. The agreement is no alcohol for the remainder of the week UNLESS we bike for it. With flank steak on the menu tonight, a nice red would be lovely!
Yesterday's activities:
Squash, wood stacking and early to bed.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Not a fantastic weekend work out wise but ok. Love the new bike. Amazing coasting abilities!
7 km bike ride and then a 2km jog with Oban. Stacked wood, walks puppies and did laundry.
Mardi's first ride. Up the Hills of Hell to a bike sale in Ancaster. Then off to get purrrty with highlights and a cut. Dinner plans were cancelled, so ribs and chicken wings were inserted with a movie for dessert. Mmmm,mmmm,mmmm
Day of Rest and alcohol comsumption. Lovely!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Yesterday was supposed to be a nice relaxing evening. Nothing other that catching up on the newspapers and taking the dogs for a walk was on the agenda. I scheduled my workout (5k run) over the lunch hour in order to accomodate......
Y'ah. So totally didn't happen. Stopped in at the bike shop on the way home to compare the Roubaix and the Ruby elite against the Trek Madone 4.5 that I tried out on Tuesday. Just going to be 15 minutes for a quick spin on the two bikes. 1.5 hours later.........

Meet 'Mardi'.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Success! I swam almost 1km in open water last night. My stroke wasn't pretty and I was tuckered at the end BUT I DID IT!
I think my phobia is the inability to see what is going on in the water. Gulliver's Lake is fairly shallow and clear. With my goggles on, I could see the fish. I could see the 'seaweed'. I could see the smiling alligator head someone placed on the bottom. And shockingly, none of this bothered me. What did freak me out was arriving at the middle of the lake where visibility was greatly reduced. I couldn't see the bottom or through the water. This experience has definitely given me some food for thought......
My next 'baby step', is to 'attempt' Gulliver's sans wetsuit. The wetsuit is actually my biggest complaint right now. I was aware that it would be hard to get on and off (and it was) but I also found it was uncomfortable at the joints (bunching), extremely warm and very short through the torso/shoulders. I will need to do some more research on styles, sizes and such before I jump in and make a purchase.
Yesterday's Activities: 3.5 km run (7 min hills, 21 min fast flat) and 950m swim
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Well, I did it. Made it in the water. Swam a few strokes. Pretty much hated every minute of it. We'll leave it at that for now.....
Found the wet suit mighty uncomfortable. Unsure if I did not put it on properly or if it is an ill fitting suit. It was bunching at my knees and elbows but that was soon corrected by a seasoned wet suit wearer. However, I still found it very tight across the shoulders.....wondering if a man's suit would accomodate my svelte figure?
Yesterday's Activities: 29 minute run (5k), 45 minutes of squash and then 1 hr of open water instructions.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Although neither of my weekend runs happend.....I feel ok about it. My legs are sore, the garden looks great and I have a better idea of what kind of ride I'm looking for!
Today I have a squash date at 11am. I'm hoping to squish a quick 25 minute treadmill run pre-game.....see how the legs are feeling and a warm up.
Tonight is my first attempt at getting the wet suit on and going in the water…G’AACK!
As promised: Friday's ride home was uneventful....a nice steady incline vs hilly hills. 1hr 10 minutes was the total time. Again, a few wrong turns and much discussion about the best route. I think once we get the routes down pat, it will be 45 minutes to work and an hour home. Planning on trying again on Wednesday.
Weekend Recap
10km long and steady run scheduled for my marathon training was on tap. Never happened! Two days in a row, d'oh! :00 Ended up being super busy around the house as we were having my friend (& her family) from University over for dinner. Laundry, whipper snipping, weeding, pruning, hanging laundry. I was on the go from 9am until 9.30pm. We sat down for lunch and dinner and that was it! There was at least 7 km's of dog walking in there.....
Saturday turned out to be errand day along with test driving some bikes. Was supposed to be a steady 6km run but that never came to fruition.....but at least my legs moving with the bike testing. Had ~ 5 bikes out during an hour.....wonder how far my total milage was?
353 cont'd....
The ride to and from work turns out to be a 30 km bike ride....not bad. Puts milage in the biking bank!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Ok. Last night and this morning is a little more like it......
- picked up wet suit rental that I have until next Wednesday.
- participated in group ride and group intervals (16k)
- biked to work this morning (15.71km) and planning on riding home. It is a steady incline home, so we shall see what the legs are telling me at 3.30!
Last night's ride was hill repeats! A fairly hilly 4k warm up with 1km hill from hell that was completed 4x's and then a 4k hilly cool down. We ran group intervals which I dreaded at the beginning but then a group relay was organzied with 3 teams and as much as I rolled my eyes as she was organzing it....it turned out to be a great way to meet people, finally learn their names and cheer crazily.
I have scheduled attempts at getting in the water on Monday and Tuesday. Monday with someone from work and Tuesday with the group. I don't really want to panic in front of either of these options BUT if it's going to happen, I would rather get it out of the way on Monday.
The bike to work took a while but it was our first attempt, with a couple of wrong turns and a lot of stopping to discuss the best and quietest route.......1hr for 15kms. The plan is to do this once a week.......pick a day, bring as much of the items we need for work the day before (outfits, shoes, paperwork). As I mentioned before, we shall see how the legs feel and how the return trip goes. Monday's post will tell all.........
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Need to start searching for someone who can help me out with my training plan. I would love to meet and discuss my plan for the next 3 to 4 months and then sign up for a monthly plan during the full out 6 month training term......
I need to be brave and step up the plate and announce that I signed up for an Ironman and I plan on being there and let's get this ball rolling
1 hr Yoga session
Wetsuit seminar and FINALLY arranged for a wet suit rental. Picking the suit up Friday the 10th and returning the morning of Wednesday the 15th
Woke up and went for 10km bike ride before work
Took puppy to regular vet for a follow up appointment after work
Took very sick puppy to emergency clinic
Supposed to do a 10km steady run but it turned out to be a brutal 8km run.
Woke up to a very sick puppy. Spent day cuddling and then for a quick 6km steady run
lazydazy day
5km dog walk
14km bike ride, 800 m swim
Still Sick. Must sleep
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
With a 5 month plan of action starting to come together my stomach has settled down a wee bit......my biggest stumbling block was knowing that I had not completed any of the required distances. Fine! Lets get'er done: By following John Stanton's 19 week marathon training program, starting this weekend, I will have a 26.2 run under my belt by the end of 2009.
1/2 marathon - October 18, 2009
Marathon - November 1, 2009
I have signed up for 11 week triathlon introductory course that began last night. It was total serendipity that this program was through online research. The group meets at a branch of where I work, unheard of by me until Wednesday. It fits within a time frame where I can be dropped off, work out, shower, and then be picked up (we are a one car family with an ongoing Thursday engagement). The program is an hour long bike ride, with alternating runs/swims each week. While I was a nervous wreck leading up to last nights session, I think this will be good for me. It will introduce me to riding with a large group, riding on the road, AND swimming in open water . There are 4 0r 5 open water sessions with a SAFETY BOAT following the group. All this is coupled with information sessions regarding the equipment required and weekly training plans that focus on swimming and weights. PERFECT!
Last night reinforced the old adage: You can never judge a book by it's cover. There were many different shapes, sizes, bikes and attire in attendance and it is not necessarily the prettiest, most expensive or suped up model that is the best prepared. I think that is a lesson that I will need to remember when the mind games of ICdA begin.
Yesterday's Activity: 1 hour bike ride (unsure of distance as I was so scattered and scared that I didn't use my garmin), .75 km run (slow and steady. Met and chatted with one of the participants.) 1.25 km walk with dogs.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
So yesterday was spent with my stomach tied up in knots. Trying to piece together my dream of conquering an Ironman to the enormity of the challenge. Questioning whether I was capable of this task. I always stumbled, panicked and turtled when I thought of it in terms of 2.4,112 and 26.2. I would panic and let all kinds of negative thoughts swirl around. In talking with my husband, I said that Coeur d'Alene would be hanging over my head for a year IF I decided not to do it. I would always wonder what if until the June 27, 2010 passed.....
I needed to get my mind off ICdA so I moved along to reading the daily paper. The funny thing is, I'm not much of a horoscope reader but today I did:
AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19): If you are feeling bored with your current routine then it is up to you to do something about it. No one can make life more interesting for you, so decide what needs changing in your life and get on with it.
I laughed and read it out loud to my husband. I read it again.
Something clicked, the gears changed and my train of thought switched: A year. 12 months. 52 weeks. With grit, determination and baby steps a lot can be accomplished. No one can do it for me, the goal has been determined. All that is left is to get on with it.
ICdA 2010 is my goal and I have a year to make it happen.
Activity: 4 mile run on treadmill, ~8 km bike ride on trails, 2 km walk with dogs
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
What have I done?
Oh. My. God.
2.4 mile swim, 112 bike ride and a casual 26.2 run at the end......with of course "the cut offs":
Swim: 2 hours and 20 minutes, Swim/Bike: 10 hours and 30 minutes, Swim/Bike/Run: 17 hours
Me? Doing all of that? In one day? Holy Shit.
I see what they mean about it being a mental game, I could look at the below numbers and think of it two ways....
To date my farthest totals:
Swim - 1 mile
Run - 13.1 miles
Bike - 32 miles or 52 kms
a) Geesh, it going to be a long 6 months of training but I have a pretty good foundation to build on.
b) AAAAAH, I haven't completed any of the required distances, at any time! Never mind within a 17 hour period.
Last night when discussing my impulsive registration, I told my husband that I wouldn't let Ironman consume me. It wouldn't be the only thing I talk about.
So far? I've failed miserably
Yesterday's Activity: ~ 3 km bike to Yoga, Yoga, 3 km bike home
I am oscillating between sheer terror and sheer exhilaration.
Coeur d’Alene in 369 days? Really? Me? The one who has yet to compete in an organized triathalon? While contemplating hitting the “PAY NOW” button of the registration, I toggled between:
It’s only $550 US . I only have a small window of opportunity. Ironman races generally sell out within a day. I have a year to train and decide if I can do it. Just because I register doesn’t mean I HAVE to race.
Holy Shit. The registration fee is $550 US. $550 US that I can kiss good bye if I don’t finish. I will need a new bike. I’ll need a wet suit. I’ll need to enter races. The location is not as accessible as Lake Placid…maybe I should wait until July to see if I can catch that registration. What am I thinking? I’m not part of a tri club, swim club or run club? I have never swam 2.4 miles, OR biked 112 miles OR run 26.2 miles NEVER MIND DOING ALL THREE TOGETHER. G’ack. Hit close. Hit close.
It was a sign that you stumbled upon the open registration for the Couer d’Alene! Really, it is just $550. The registration has already been open for 18 hours. It’s not sold out yet but it will be soon. I have a year to prepare and you have ALWAYS been captivated by the Ironman event. Seriously? It’s just money and this is your dream.
At this point, I started rummaging around Ironman blogs I have read in the past for some ideas on training plans or inspiration…….I found the inspiration in two spots. The first is a quote from http://www.chasingiron.com/ and the second is an email communication trail with my husband:
1) If there were ever a time to dare, to make a difference, to embark on something worth doing, it is now. Not for any grand cause, necessarily, but for something that tugs at your heart, something that's your aspiration, something that's your dream. You owe it to yourself to make your days here count. Have fun. Dig deep. Stretch. Dream big
2) From: Lesley Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 8:02 AMTo: St. John Subject: http://www.ironmancda.com/
From: St. John Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 8:27 AMTo: Lesley Subject: RE: http://www.ironmancda.com/
From: Lesley Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 8:25 AMTo: St. JohnSubject: RE: http://www.ironmancda.com/
Eeek. it's $550 BUT the races sell out quickly! From the ironman site:
Q: How do I find out if there are entries still available and if so, how do I sign up?
A: Go to the ENTRY link on the site and if the entry page says the race is still open, there will be a link to the sign up form.Note: Most full Ironman races sell out within hours of opening entry the day after each event. Please plan to sign up a year in advance if you want to secure a general entry spot.
From: Lesley Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 8:29 AMTo: St. John Subject: RE: http://www.ironmancda.com/
I am so tempted by 'core da lane'
From: St. John Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 8:34 AMTo: Lesley Subject: RE: http://www.ironmancda.com/
Then sign up, silly. Return airfare to Spokane is $850 including tax
So with out further ado:
Registration Confirmation for: 2010 Ford Ironman Coeur d'Alene
Dear Lesley,
Congratulations! You are now registered for 2010 Ford Ironman Coeur d'Alene. Please check the event's official website for updates: http://ironmancda.com/
Yesterday's Activities: 500 yard swim, 2 km dog walk