Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I was very nicely reminded I left yesterday's post hanging and haven't updated today...

6.5 km run yesterday and 1400 yard swim today!


Monday, September 28, 2009

Oh No! The posts are getting fewer and fewer…

Where does the time go? The first month of ‘official’ training is complete and I survived. I am so happy that the ‘open water swims’ have been converted to pool swims. I have an amazing 3 month plan of twice a week swims to start and I have been waiting to be able to insert them into my training plan.

But of course nothing goes as planned. On the drive down to work I stated that I am really looking forward to getting into the pool today. While chatting with the lifeguard on deck, confirming the time I could slip into the water, she noticed some ‘brown spots’ on the bottom of the pool. Floaters thwarted my swim…pool is closed for some shocking!

I am trying to convince myself that I want to complete a 3 to 4 mile run…

Watch this space.

Monday, September 21, 2009

I am unable to shrink these below 38kb and send as an email for a swim critique. So I guess everyone and their brother can now critique my self taught style.

Please note the panicked turn around. Good Stuff!

Black mood won't go away...been a full week now. Tired of myself.

Bad mood be gone!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Yep. Back from vacation. With a nice owie that impedes running and biking. Good times!

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Decision made: 2010 gerneral entry is sold out.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

So. Having found a coach, I was feeling very calm and 'structured'. All I needed to worry about was to follow the program. That was my job. Just follow the program.

BUT ohhhhh no. I can't relax and just get things done...I need to start wondering if Ironman Canada 2010 (Aug 29) would be a better fit?! Entry is open and available.

In CANADA - health care, bike transport
Later in the season therefore making a longer outdoor training season
A second attempt at Ironman next year 'IF' the first fails
Aware of other athletes training for this target date

Next summer will be consumed with training versus enjoying
Another $700 in entry fees
Still halfway across the country to get to...