Thursday, April 28, 2011

As I'm sure you've noticed, I've been down in the dumps lately.  So I think it's funny that I went to get my hair cut tonight and my hairdresser had written on her mirror;  "I want my life to be..."

Our conversation during the cut revolved around her open ended statement and her reading of 'Til Debt Do Us Part'.  Thought provoking and right where my state of mind is right now.

I want my decisions to be conscious and fulfil me.  I want balance.  I want freedom.  I want to recognize the good that surrounds me on a daily basis.  I want to be healthy.  I want to surround my self with positivity.

I have a lot of work to do in order to do all of the above consistently...

After the cut, I went to the library.  Found a book on money, how to de-clutter & stow and 3 magazines about running.  All where my head space is at.  Took the 3 pups on a stroll and admired the sunset against the bright blue sky and racing clouds.  Making me realize that Spring is on it's way (about the frick time!) and how lucky we were in today's raging windstorm.  My 3 k wind sprint training took on a whole new meaning this morning!
Day 3

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