Sunday, May 02, 2010

So this blogging break does equal workouts getting done.  It means work has been 10-12 hour days with no time for anything else.

Friday night was an upgrade.  Did not leave the building until 1:00 AM and back in for support at 8:00AM .  Yeah.  Yesterday was a write off.

I was smart enough to foresee Friday's lateness and came in later than normal.  I know my boss wasn't happy about me showing up at noon...but yah know what...them's the breaks.  I went out for a bike ride and as usual, i ran out of time.  I only got 74kms in.

I am in the 'holy fuck' stage.  I don't think I can do this.  I am so ready for a half but this full business.  Not so much.  This may tie into the fact that we have purchased to tickets to CDA and I have sent off the cheques for the house we are renting.  What if we have invested all of this money....and I fail?

PS why does blogger not capitalize my small 'i's but refuses to let me write yah without an h?


Unknown said...

You CAN do this and you WILL do this. You are completely capable and in the heat of the moment you are going to be driven by the people around you. You have a team of supporters here in the Hammer that are going to be pushing you mentally the whole way.

Unknown said...

That Adrian comment was actually me (didn't realized he was signed in), but I'm sure he echoes my sentiments : )