Friday, July 10, 2009

Ok. Last night and this morning is a little more like it......
  • picked up wet suit rental that I have until next Wednesday.
  • participated in group ride and group intervals (16k)
  • biked to work this morning (15.71km) and planning on riding home. It is a steady incline home, so we shall see what the legs are telling me at 3.30!

Last night's ride was hill repeats! A fairly hilly 4k warm up with 1km hill from hell that was completed 4x's and then a 4k hilly cool down. We ran group intervals which I dreaded at the beginning but then a group relay was organzied with 3 teams and as much as I rolled my eyes as she was organzing turned out to be a great way to meet people, finally learn their names and cheer crazily.

I have scheduled attempts at getting in the water on Monday and Tuesday. Monday with someone from work and Tuesday with the group. I don't really want to panic in front of either of these options BUT if it's going to happen, I would rather get it out of the way on Monday.

The bike to work took a while but it was our first attempt, with a couple of wrong turns and a lot of stopping to discuss the best and quietest route.......1hr for 15kms. The plan is to do this once a week.......pick a day, bring as much of the items we need for work the day before (outfits, shoes, paperwork). As I mentioned before, we shall see how the legs feel and how the return trip goes. Monday's post will tell all.........

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