Saturday, November 28, 2009

I survived my first week. It was long. It was frustrating. It was tiring. It was so many things.
A quick snapshot (in point form) to remind myself that I'm alive and surviving:

supervisor is nice and has a sense of humour BUT I would not want to get on the wrong side of her
trainer is nice. not sure that it is necessarily the technical skills the employer will miss BUT it is her knowledge of who does what and why and all the history...g'eesh...that kinda sounds familiar, no?
driving to and around Burlington sucks
trying to be alert and taking in info for 8-10 hours a day is tiring
trying to remember peoples names, positions and if they even work for the city is tiring
trying to fit in ironman training around such days is tiring
trying to not pooch former employee while I'm trying to figure out new role is tiring
trying to be a nice person at home while trying to maintain the above is just NOT HAPPENING!

I need new clothes. The new employers idea of business casual is VERY different than the old and while it is great that I have shape shifted over the past year...not so great when I go to pull out the dressier clothes from the back of the closet. I look like a sack of potatoes and that just won't gel with the fashion plates I now work with. Seriously, I think they have a pair of shoes for everyday of the week! I am sooo jealous of their pulled together look. The only thing pulled together about me is my pony tail after I quickly get ready after a work out.

Other than that. Things are going great. Just great! I'm just tired.

I have to run (or maybe I should type, I am supposed to run) 17 km today and that just feels overwhelming right now. I am not sure where I'm going to get the energy or inspiration from...
I think I'll start with the mountain of laundry that is waiting for me.

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