Thursday, August 13, 2009

So. Ummm. Obviously my big girl pants were in the wash on Tuesday.

I went down to the pool a half hour before Masters and swam 800M. During this 800M, my ear was chatted off by the resident pool 'chatter'er'. So it took much longer than necessary! Nice guy who has a lot of time on his hands....

I bailed before the Masters started BUT after showering I did go back down to the pool deck to talk to the instructor and get a feel on how the class operates. Baby steps, baby steps.

Yoga was Tuesday night. Good class.

I rode Mardi to work yesterday. I had an all day off site budget meeting that started at 9am. It was a total of 34 and a bit kms round trip. I have to admit on the way home, km 25, I broke off the route and called home to arrange a meet up spot. I was tired, hot, legs felt like lead and hopped up on chocolate. Not a great combo. I deviated from the morning route and ended up riding through a residental neighbourhood and arrived at the meet up spot a lot quicker than anticipated. A quick call home revealed that the rescue squadron (comprised of husband and puppies) had not yet left. I said that I would keep riding towards him and when our paths crossed, I would hop in the car. I guess I don't give myself credit on how fast Mardi and I move because I was getting closer and closer to home and our paths still hadn't met. By the time we finally met, I was so close to home and wanted to finish the ride. I didn't want to be 'rescued' any longer...I waved and zoomed right pass the rescue patrol. On one hand, I was proud of myself for finishing the ride that I started but on the other, I know that I won't be able to call home during Ironman. I will need to find some alternative strategies** to motivate when the going gets tough.

**Although 2 dogs with their heads hanging out the window, recognizing you and tracking you as they pass will be hard to beat!

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